Revesby Public School

Success, Opportunities and Partnerships

Telephone02 9773 8255

Focus on Reading Comprehension

At Revesby Public School, we implement across the whole school the Department of Education's Focus on Reading strategies of comprehension.
These strategies help to equip the students to not just effectively read a text but to comprehend what the text is about. This terminology is introduced at an early age in Kindergarten and then built upon from Years 1 to 6.
These 6 strategies include:

  • Making Connections

  • Visualising

  • Monitoring

  • Predicting

  • Summarising

  • Questioning

  • Inferencing (this is an additional strategy being taught at Revesby PS)

Listed below are some examples of these strategies along with a YouTube link that helps to explain one way how these strategies are implemented in the classroom.

Making connections strategy

Making Connections video

Visualising strategy

Visualising strategy video

Monitoring strategy

Monitoring strategy video

Predicting strategy

Predicting strategy video

Summarising strategy

Summarising strategy video

Questioning strategy

Questioning strategy video