At Revesby Public School effective collaboration plays a key in the successful sharing of innovative teaching practices across the teaching profession. We pride ourselves on a whole school focus in the development of a culture of excellence. This is achieved through all staff working from a shared vision developed through the school's three Strategic Directions.
School leaders support teachers', support staff and SLSOs with effective professional learning, which play a central role in the networks developed to work on strengths and develop areas of need. Collaborative planning days support teachers in consistency in curriculum implementation and support in terms of sharing expertise across the school. Stage supervisors work with the teams to identify goals, jointly plan and scaffold and ultimately help each other to improve. Teachers engage in professionalised collaboration that aims to improve teaching practices and positively impact on student outcomes.
At Revesby Public School we focus on students' outcomes and professional learning targets students' needs where the focus is on improving learning outcomes.

We have an open classrooms philosophy where teachers ‘open their classrooms' to one another in order to use the expertise we have within the school. The school also uses external expertise and effectively taps into professional networks to ensure that best practice models are implemented within all classrooms.
School leaders successfully create a culture in which collaborative planning, reflection on instruction and peer coaching are embedded into our everyday school life at Revesby Public School, so that teachers are supported, and support one another, to continuously develop their skills and knowledge.