At Revesby Public School we have high expectations. These high expectations extend across the student body, staff, our leaders including the principal and the community.
We have high expectation for all of our students including those in the support unit challenging each student to reach their potential. We aim to challenge all of our students and meet this with high support scaffolding and strategies to support every student's learning needs. There is a clear focus on ensuring that every student receives the instruction they need to achieve their best.
The school has a culture of high expectations and delivers this through curriculum differentiation, which is a highlight in every classroom. The school prides itself on catering for the diverse learning needs and we support our teachers to equip them with the necessary skills needed to ensure that this occurs. This includes differentiation to support remediation and also to challenge and extend all students. This differentiation can be seen in groupings, individualised learning and support plans and though the development of student goals. Our students have access to a broad, rigorous, challenging and well thought out curriculum.
A culture of high expectation ensures that the school has a clear focus on learning outcomes for all students. Our strong philosophy is to ensure that every child is known and cared for as a valued student.