At Revesby Public School we believe that positive student wellbeing contributes to the development of the whole child, which in turn drives academic outcomes. There is a clear focus on student wellbeing to ensure that every student connects, succeeds and thrives within their learning environment. We believe that positive student wellbeing is a pivotal component of education in preparing students for a rewarding life beyond school and in creating global citizens of the future.
We believe that students need to experience connectedness and a sense of belonging throughout their schooling. One way that this is established is through the positive relationships formed between students and staff. We also believe in acknowledging and celebrating the diversity seen within our community. The school prides itself on the inclusion of cultural and linguistic background s, students with disabilities to ensure that all have a positive sense of belonging at school.
The school supports wellbeing through a variety of means including positive relationships, mentoring through stage mentors, counselling service, Learning and Support Team structures, using the expertise on staff, through programs such as Peer Support and through positive attendance procedures.
We are a safe school is one where the physical environment lends itself to positive student wellbeing through offering a variety of learning opportunities. The emotional environment is a positive one, and a healthy lifestyle is promoted. An emotionally safe school environment means students feel safe to attend school and know they will be supported on an emotional level should they encounter any issues. The school has an Anti-bullying Policy to support students in developing strategies in identifying and deal with bullying effectively.
We believe in the relationship between student wellbeing and engagement in learning as being a two-way process whereby improving wellbeing can support and facilitate engagement, and improving engagement can also promote wellbeing. So both wellbeing and engagement are of equal importance and have the clear focus of all teachers.
Student wellbeing is integral to all we do within our school. Wellbeing is lead through strong leadership where a culture of high expectations and a focus on continuous improvement is evident. Wellbeing is an integral part of our school culture and pedagogy. Positive wellbeing is promoted through the effective partnership formed within and outside the school including teachers, students, parents, support staff and the community.