At Revesby Public School there is a focus on explicit teaching, which involves teachers clearly showing students what to do and how to do it, rather than student having to discover or construct the learning for themselves.
Each teacher ensures that they teach Literacy and Numeracy systematically where they build upon strong foundational skills. Explicit teaching occurs through programs such as L3 (Language, Learning and Literacy), FOR (Focus on Reading), TEN (Targeting Early Numeracy) and TOWN (Taking Off With Numeracy). These programs lay the foundational skills that students will build upon. This explicit teaching recognises that learning is a cumulative process where teachers build upon previous skills and knowledge. Research evidence supports a need for learners to master core skills in reading, writing and numeracy before higher-order learning can effectively occur. It is critical that teachers systematically deliver basic skills, and teaching skills in the right sequence so that students master the building blocks of skills in Literacy and Numeracy
Explicit teaching ensures that students have clear instructions on what is expected of them, and what it is that they need to learn from the specific task (often identified through the learning intention). Teachers ensure that students are given time to engage with the learning process effectively, ask questions and are given thorough and clear feedback.
Explicit teaching is supported in a number of ways within the school. Professional learning has a clear focus on on explicit teaching. Stage supervisors lead professional dialogue with that supports explicit teaching and team leaders monitor this within each classroom. Leaders support teachers through ensuring explicit teaching is a key focus in every classroom. The school is also extremely proud of the New Scheme Teacher program that is a highlight. One of the key elements is the support given to teachers in their first two years of teaching in order to ensure explicit teaching is evident in each of their classrooms.
Explicit teaching at Revesby Public School includes identification of the learning intentions and success criteria, and making these transparent to the students. The focus is on telling students what they will be learning, and being clear about the purpose of tasks. Teachers then demonstrate or explain new ideas, and checking that students understand. Teachers then give time for asking and answering questions. Teachers then assess and confirm whether students understand what they are learning before progressing. Teachers explicitly review learning and explain how it contributes to more complex, skills.
It is well researched that students who experience explicit teaching practices make greater learning gains than students who do not experience these effective practices.